She started mousing last night. I'm sure she's done it before, but I finally witnessed her doing it.
Living in the city there is an increased number of rodents in our area and having a farm with smells, spilled feed, and decomposing food scraps, we attract a few extra as well. Last night, I caught a mouse sneaking through the barnyard, so I grabbed Tina--PHYSICALLY PICKED HER UP--and dropped her out the back door. I ran to my bedroom window and called her over. (Luckily, she listens to me.) I removed the screen and pointed to the barnyard. She sat in the middle of the yard and looked. I kept staring until she noticed the movement on the ground. Tina went into total lioness mode! She stalked it, pounced on it, and although I couldn't tell if she actually killed it, it was such a relief to see her out there mousing like a REAL farm cat!
This evening, she willingly walked outside, I called her, and she sat until she saw something move.
It has begun.
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