One of these years I'll get it right. I absolutely love growing potatoes. They are so darn easy...IF you do them right. I really wanted to grow them again this year because I loved watching Andy sneak them from our planter, boil them up and scarf them down. His face would glow with excitement and amazement that something so small could be so satisfying and delicious.
We agreed to grow them in the large box this year. All I had to do was ask for advice, but we just went for it. Potatoes should be planted in a sort of trench. When their leaves pop up, you bury them with soil and continue to bury them every time their leaves reach the surface. The tubers grow off that vine and the deeper you bury them the more they will produce. It will end up looking like a mound of dirt or a mini hillside of soil. Well, we scattered them in the planter and forgot all about that trench. The greens have surfaced and I continue to bury them, but I'm not sure how deep we will be able to go in our front yard. Any suggestions? Ideas? ALL are welcome!
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