Thank you to those who contacted me about not receiving pictures this week. I love you too! My excuse...I am lazy. My phone was full and I needed to upload the photos. The computer was dead, so it needed to be plugged in. I was lazy, and didn't do either until about Saturday night. I've also been really busy. We had a great volleyball tourney on Saturday (2nd place finish, go Dolphins!), taught at church Sunday, Seahawks game Sunday, and youth symphony Sunday (thank you Danielle!). It's been crazy! I'm ready for some turkey and a nap! 🍗😴
Anyway, I hope you are all doing well, and enjoy the photos from last week!
Here are three nice sized salmon from fishing with Steve. We baked one whole fish. I used a brown sugar rub on one half and a jerk rub on the other. The girls passed on the sweet and gobbled down the savory. They also drank about a gallon of milk to offset the spicy flavor too! Hahaha

The rabbit hides hanging to dry in the shed. I think he set up a gear lamp to speed it up since the stench was awful and would probably attract unwanted critters.

Here is what was left of the apples. I meant to make apple sauce, but decided on cider instead. This made about 1.5 quarts. No much, but I can't complain about free apples!

They are back in the house tonight to finish drying (not sure why they are still hanging since I thought they were already dried. I do know Andy stretched them. He 'hulked' a few in half as he stretched them out, and I was asked to mend them back in one piece once they were all done.

I'm still mourning the loss of my Donna. :(

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