I bought two 50lb bags of feed yesterday. Since Monday was the hottest day of the year, I thought it was safe to leave them in the back of the pickup until Andy could get to them. They sat in the bed of the pickup overnight, and I woke up to the smell of rain and the memory of Andy not taking them out! Oh, drats! You live and learn, I guess.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
What a feeling!
We just found THREE eggs in the coop! The new girls are doing their jobs, and I couldn't be happier. We have many neighbors waiting for their eggs.
Today was a good day.
Monday, July 20, 2015
So I've been called granola more than once, but I've never really felt that way until today....
Yes, we raise our own rabbits in order to have a humanely treated meat source, we dote on our hens that provide delicious, organic eggs, we harvest our own veggies and fruits, raise bees to not only have beautiful honey for our table, but to also pollinate the neighborhood. After all, no bees no flowers. No farmers, no food. All of this and I've never truly felt granola. Today, I was at the grocery store and snapped this photo. It sounded odd, but I was intrigued by the use of propolis as an abrasive. I came home and ran it by one of my critics. Specifically, the teenager that keeps it "normal." She says, "sounds weird, but probably good for you and not that bad."
We are officially granola. My teenager is ok with propolos, myrrh, and fennel in her toothpaste, and I LOVE IT.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Farm Fresh
Today marked the beginning of the Delridge Grocery Co-op Farm Stand. They sell locally grown organic fruits and vegetables. They also have a kids craft area, live music, and cooking demonstrations. Tonight was a success and I'm sure the community enjoys and appreciates the fresh food so close to home. Evan and I volunteered and will continue to volunteer for the next nine Thursdays. It was a fun way to connect with other local farmers and people just excited to be a part of something so great in Delridge!
The New Girls
We added three old gals to our flock this weekend. After checking our chicken reference books, I think we have a Buff Orpington, Maran, and Sussex. We needed the eggs! Word has gotten around the neighborhood about our eggs and we were pulling in one a day with the birds we had. These three should help to boost those numbers and help appease our fans.
Welcome girls!
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Photo by Evan
I asked Evan to take a photo this evening and she chose this nice bunch of grapes. They are slowly getting plumper and plumper. Each little bunch will be a nice snack come September. The girls can't wait!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Bust out the jars!
It's pickle making time! Well, almost. I'm still searching for a good sour pickle recipe, but I've been coming up short. Besides, I honestly can't remember if we planted "regular," big cucumbers or pickling, baby ones. (Those are official farmer terms. Haha!) I'll let you know if they get any bigger.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Look at what I found!
I am overjoyed to have found this little beauty growing in our garden. Sometimes we start from seeds and sometimes we transplant starts, but it's always the same excitement when you see the first fruits of your labor! I love beating others to it too. I'll go searching for gems like this just to be the first to shout "EUREKA!" The kids hate it. 💃
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Andy has been working hard to get our drip system up and dripping before we head out of town. He is almost done and it is awesome! The tubes run straight to the base of the plants, so they will be watered directly where they need it most. They are also set on a timer. We will save money doing it this way as we will be wasting less water. It's such a brilliant idea. We will still need to run the hose across the sidewalk, but I'm sure somewhere down the road he will come up with a viable water solution. We'll entertain any ideas for that in the mean time, so send them over!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Growing Cheddar
This spring we shopped for starts at the edible plant sale. One of the many we picked up was this beautiful cheddar cauliflower. It just started peaking through its leaves this week. I can't wait to try it. It tastes like....you guessed it....cauliflower!
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Everyone eats. Everyone poops.
It's BAT GUANO!! Oh, what an experience these girls are getting. It's all about poops here at the Smith farm. Rabbit poops, chicken poops, horse poops, worm poops, and now bat poops! All of the poops listed are excellent organic garden fertilizers. I hope the guano will help our garden grow and grow! Don't worry. I'll let you know. 💩
Monday, July 6, 2015
I had a girl. Donna was her name.
If this girl doesn't up her laying game, I'll be singing the rest of that song! Only difference is I'll know exactly where she'll be...MY FREEZER.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
We arrived home this weekend and noticed some of our tomatoes were spotted. After a little research, we found out it was blossom end rot. It's caused by a lack or imbalance of calcium in the soil. We'll be mixing a solution of Epsom salt and water for the rest of the season to help give our soil a boost. I just hope we catch it before it effects the rest of our new tomatoes.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Every year we fail at growing pumpkins, yet we always attempt. I think we do it for the girls. The powdery mildew takes over, but we usually get at least a single small gourd. That's enough to bring a smile and to decorate with. Keep those fingers crossed!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
I noticed my perfect little berry missing yesterday afternoon, so I asked everyone present if they had seen it. Immediately, Matilde asked which strawberry I was talking about. I showed her a picture of it and asked if she had eaten it. She said, "I don't know what you're talking about!" I gave her a look. You know which look I'm talking about, and she shouted, "but it was RIPED!!!" That's when I snapped the picture.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
New Berries
Everyone in our house has been eyeballing this small and perfect strawberry. It so sweetly hangs over the edge of the planter ripening in the glow of the afternoon sun. Who will be the lucky one?
My guess is HEATHER! Hahaha
Our dear friend Heather plucked our very first cherry tomato from the vine a few years back. Everyone would admire that tomato and we would talk incessantly about how proud we were for having grown it. I look back and still chuckle at that. She saw it, it was ripe and needed to be eaten, so she ate it!