4 eggs.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Daily update
84 and getting warmer every day.
4 eggs gathered.
Placed Adam in with Mary.
Fixed the mower and cut the grass.
Built a birdfeeder, and mounted it against the window. (Photo to be taken soon!)
Planted and framed in the hops.
Ran the string through the fence mounts as a guide for the hops as well. (Photo to be taken soon!)
All three butterflies have gone into their chrysalises (is that a word?). Should have pink lady butterflies fluttering about while the girls are away. Not sure how long they'll take in this stage or how long I can keep them in the butterfly net before releasing them. I hope the kids get to see them.
La Roma
This is the first tomato we have seen, so I decided to photograph it. It wasn't until I looked at the picture that I noticed the two others growing right beside it! Very promising!
front yard,
Friday, June 28, 2013
Daily update
87 and hot hot hot!
Three eggs to eat tomorrow.
I'm getting worried about keeping our animals cool over the next week. It's suppose to get into the 90's and up. Lots of ice in their water and misters. I hope that works for the time being. We are trying to think outside the box. Please send ideas if you have them!
Third time's a charm.
They're so darn cute! All of Eve's kits are healthy and well. I hope we can keep them cool during our projected heat wave next week.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Daily update
77 degrees. Humid. Humid. Humid.
Heat wave advisory we t out today for next week, but the Yakima valley is going to get a lot hotter than our area! Supposed to be over 110 there and 90 here. I hope we can keep our animals nice and cool.
Five eggs. We must have missed one yesterday.
For the Birds
Tilly made a few bird feeders last week, and we decided to place a few in the front trees. There are two in this tree, and the small orange dot in the background is another for Mr. Matt, our friendly neighbor.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Daily update
72 and very blustery. Lots and lots of rain makes watering our garden very easy! Looks like weather into the 90s this weekend....
Three eggs.
Saving money & making dirt!
We have decided to turn in the 32 gallon yard waste bin and save money on the service. We were given immediate approval over the phone because of the many ways we are currently composting and repurposing our waste. I think we will still have a city inspector visit in order to completely rid ourselves of the yard waste service, but I'm not sure when that will happen.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Be our guest!
We had our site visit with the Seattle Tilth today, and it couldn't have gone better! She snapped pictures galore and was really surprised at how well we use what little space we have. We were provided with lots of pamphlets, flyers, posters, and cards to distribute before and during the big event.
We are very excited and feel prepared for a fun and busy day ahead.
Save the date: SATURDAY, JULY 13!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Daily update
Six eggs from yesterday and today.
High of 70. Rainy this morning, but it cleared up and was a nice day.
Our site visit with the Seattle Tilth is tomorrow afternoon. We worked to get the yard tidied up today. The lawn is mowed, weeds are pulled, rabbit hutch moved back, and everything is looking beautiful!
R.I.P. Raspberries
Looks like the chickens got the best of these berries. Andy pulled them out today, and we will plant or transplant something in it's place soon. I hope for more raspberries, but we'll have to talk about it.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Sunday- Hungry little caterpillars
We found out what was eating our cabbage. These pesky little green caterpillars. Moths lay their dirty little eggs on the backside of the leaves and sneak out as hungry pests. Evan and Tilly had fun collecting them off the leaves and feeding them to the Donnas.
eating plants,
Saturday- Pretty planters
Here are the melons, lettuces, and radishes. I think it's time to thin them out.
Friday- CORN!!
The corn is coming in spectacularly! I just hope that it continues.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Daily update
66 super rainy! It's a beautiful sound and a great sight. I love the rain! Three eggs gathered today.
The bunnies are still alive! Eve seems to be a caring mother, and these five have outlived all of her other kits. Such a good feeling to know they're alive! ;)
I'm worried about our potatoes and I hope my father in law can get here quickly to help diagnose the problem before its too late. The leaves were full and green and now are slowly turning yellow and are covered in holes. We don't see any bugs or beetles eating on them or living in our pots, but something is getting to them. I hope they make it.
Shoo fly!
Oh my goodness gracious! We have a bit of a fly problem. It is pretty yucky. We fill these fly traps and fly paper and the hot pink sticky sticks and a ton of other fly catchers, but they are so persistent. I spoke with another farmer today who said he started using diatomaceous earth, which is natural and edible. I think we may be giving it a try. The fly trap you see pictured stinks SO bad and is filled with flies to about the bottom of the picture directions. It's FULL.
If anyone has tips please send them our way. We would love the advice!!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Daily update
66, 4 eggs
Visited the Seattle Tilth this afternoon for more worms. I think they are in a spot that gets too much sun. I hope this batch survives. I absolutely LOVE the worms and I really want them to work for me. I had a wonderful bunch at the Avalon home, but after the move, these guys didn't do so well. Wish me luck!
A bit ambitious...
Andy purchased this hop plant at the local nursery the other day. Our ultimate plan for these is home brew and a welcoming arbor. With a growth of up to 16ft, I think and arbor is our only choice! I hope the neighbors don't mind the pungent scent of fresh hops! Being from the Yakima valley we are use to the strong scent, but it is an acquired smell.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Daily update
4 eggs! 70 degrees
All of our kits are surviving and wiggling around in their nesting box. Eve seems to be nurturing and caring for them like she should. Way to go Eve!!
We received a call from the Seattle Tilth yesterday afternoon and we should having a visitor over soon to give us the final approval for our spot on the tour. I'm getting anxious!
Anyone recognize this sign?
This sign pointed the way to Tim's Yard and Garden out on N. Elm Street in Grandview, WA. Tim being my brilliant father-in-law! The sign was on the northeast corner of Elm Street and E. Wine Country Road for as long as I can remember! We are thrilled to have it adorn our back walkway. Thank you for sharing it with us, Grandpa T!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Do try this at home!
Yesterday, we ate these two green onions fresh from the garden. After slicing them, we placed the roots in water. They are already starting to grow back! I couldn't believe it!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Yep, that's an onion!
Would you believe that onions make you run faster? That's exactly why my babies eat them like apples! I dare you to challenge them to a foot race.
I. DARE. YOU. ;-)
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Daily update
Google says 79, but I'm not sure if I believe that!
Busy day.
Three eggs, new bunnies, sold our first dozen eggs (a satisfying feeling-thank you neighbor!), finished the front planters, made progress on the rabbit's watering system, planted watermelon, cantaloupe, radishes, lettuces, replacement grapes, and searched high and low for more broilers to buy. No birds to buy until next spring. It's a bummer....
A new KINDLE!!
It's another fantastic spring day here on the farm! Our doe, Eve, gave birth to (we think) five kits today. She has pulled out her fur to keep them nice and cozy. I hope she can keep these alive long enough for....us to EAT!
(too soon???)
The girls are very excited about them. Earlier today Tilly asked if we could get more Betsy's for her to eat! Hahaha I hope she feels the same about the new kindle.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Daily update
70 today, but it didn't warm up until about 2pm. It made for a wonderfully warm Friday evening.
Four eggs today!
Good news today from the Seattle Tilth! They have looked over our application for the 2013 Chicken Coop & Urban Farm Tour and we have been invited to participate as one of Seattle's "Top 25!"
We are over the moon, but we also have a lot of work to do before our site visit.
Andy has made a to do list and we will get started on it in the morning. First, the final planter box out front. Then, off to the backyard! Anyone wishing to stop by is welcome! The tour is Saturday, July 13 from 10am-4pm. Please join us!
Mini Greenhouses
We decided to place jars over some of our seedlings to give them a little extra warmth. We have had ups and downs with the weather lately, so I hope it helps a little. The biggest problem with this idea is providing adequate air flow. Our plants need to breathe, so I'll have to give them some fresh air in the morning.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Daily update
Three eggs yesterday, three today
68 degrees.
It was nice finally being able to get out of the house today. Purchased more rabbit feed at Portage Bay Grange. It's always a fun trip over to the U District. Andy also found a boot scrubber. I can't wait to see it in action!
Head of Lettuce
Our head of lettuce is looking rounder and rounder every day. It has been fun checking in on how it is growing. Perfectly round!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
I'm talking papas.
Look at our papas! Andy dug some up just to be sure they were growing, and look what he found! My oh my! Those look yummy!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Daily update
High of 70, three eggs
Andy finished filling the second front planter box. He even did my planting. We now have a box of strawberries! I'm very excited for jam!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Daily update
72, started out a but chilly and ended beautifully in the sunshine. Three eggs. Still a wonderful feeling!
Since my mom came into town to help out while my foot heels, Andy set to work in the yard. He installed a door for the chickens to use from the outside of the barn so the inside stays clean, netted the vine veggies and the corn, and built a trellis for the raspberries. Be sure to check back for pictures!
The first harvested vegetables.
We harvested two radishes and some lettuce for a dinner salad this evening. Even though I couldn't get outside to do it myself, it was still a very satisfying feeling.
Friday, June 7, 2013
We added these friendly bugs to our potatoes. Hopefully, they will take care of the bugs that are attempting a takeover.
Caption Contest WINNER!!
"Rats!" From Bill & Carol Swails is the winner of the yummy half dozen fresh eggs. CongRATS!
Daily update
80 and absolutely beautiful!
Sunburns for everyone!
Three eggs, and a big fall down the front steps. Spent the evening in the er and it wasn't even broken.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Daily update
77 degrees, three eggs.
We transplanted the corn into a front bed. It looks great! I can't wait. 28 (stalks)x3 (ears of corn/per stalk)=84 projected total ears of corn. Can you believe it!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Daily update
High of 78 today. So nice out! Too bad Evan was stuck inside with a terrible tummy ache and headache. :(
Only a few more days until the hide is completely done with the process of tanning. This is Andy's first attempt, and I hope it works. It's now hanging to dry away from direct sunlight for two or three more days. Almost done!
Two eggs. Checked with the feed store about ordering more Cornish cross chicks. ($8.99 are you out of your mind?!) I suppose we'll wait until our next visit to the valley. Bummer....
Our Neighbor's Garden
Walking through our neighborhood, I noticed this cute little spot of land. It was so neat and tidy I had to photograph it! It just proves that you can plant a lot in a small amount of space. They saved their yard and only opened up a few square feet, but that's enough to feed your family fresh veggies throughout the summer and maybe beyond. A+ neighbor!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Daily update
Warm, comfortable 70 degrees today.
Purchased more hay today. I may go back for another bag tomorrow. It would be more affordable to grab a bale, but we don't have a pickup to transport it. :(
Andy cleaned out the barn yesterday. A daunting task, but it needed to be done. I dug up the front boxes while he was doing that, and the kids read books, rode bikes, and chased chickens. A fun day!
I'll have to check with Tilly about today's egg count and get back to you. She's the official egg grabber.
Redecorating the Chicken Tractor
We thought we'd gussy the place up a bit! Our poor little tree out back has provided a few low branches for a couple of coat racks, so we thought we would take these two off of the free pile our neighbor had out front. They fit perfectly and look great! The Donnas really enjoy the extra perching options, and they agreed that it really frees up waddling space down below. Heeheehee
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Daily update
68. It felt a lot hotter than that, but I was working in the yard so that mag have been why I was warm.
Three eggs yesterday and three eggs today. So very yummy!
Not too bright, but still cute! & Raspberries
I dug up the front boxes today and the girls "helped" me move the grass. It was a good idea, but they didn't make it too far!

The raspberries are now boxed in and protected by a net. We'll see if it helps to keep the hens from eating up all future growth.
Front boxes,
front yard,
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